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Sep 02, 2020
In Get Started with Your Forum
A majority of businesses now days invest in SEO services. SEO stands for search engine optimization, and it is critical that you understand what that is. Also, if you are looking for a professional SEO company, you should probably have an idea of what services are included. In this document, you will be able to find out more about SEO and the services SEO companies may provide. SEO Services Most SEO services are handled by agencies that are established to work specifically with SEO. Their goal is to help encourage success for your company through this optimization. Put simply, if you are trying to increase your company's visibility, then you will need to have a strong dependency on SEO. Not just any SEO, but a special focus on the relevant results found in search engines. By relevant, we mean that the results are the same or similar to the products, industry, company, or services that you are trying to bring visibility to. As an example, you need to look at specific businesses. In this instance, consider a graphics designer; Graphic Designer, Custom Graphics, and Affordable Graphic Design are ideal target keywords to bring in business that is relevant. When you have search engines that rely on hundreds of different factors, such as Google, it takes a great deal of expertise to manipulate the position or 'rank' of a website. For that reason, many businesses will work side by side with a provider of SEO services. Different SEO Services Offered by Agencies It has been a long time since the release of search engines like Ask Jeeves and Google, and since that time, there have been amazing updates and innovations to the algorithms used to search. These algorithms are very thorough and are designed to boast only relevant results based on a few key factors in both the search and the result. Because of this, many companies that do work on SEO offer specialized services for companies. These special services were created with the intention of furthering the success of businesses in competitive and specific industries. The most common services offered by agencies for SEO marketing are: • Ecommerce SEO • Local SEO • Voice SEO For a majority of companies, they can find aid in success through the basic SEO services. However, if you are an eCommerce or local store, you will find that the Local and eCommerce services will grant you a major advantage against competition. What Services Should SEO Companies Include? Now that you understand SEO a little bit more, you should probably know what services you are looking for that would be beneficial to your company. Just know, while many of these services are common, each SEO company is different, as will be their service line-ups. So if you are searching the market for an SEO company, then you need one that is going to offer you the 'Full Package' and not only partial services. So when you go to make comparisons between different companies, make sure these 7 services are included in their line-ups: 1. SEO AUDIT. This should honestly be featured on any SEO company's line-up of services. An SEO Audit is when the SEO provider digs deeper into the current strategy of your company. Even if an SEO strategy isn't in place, a proper agency will be able to evaluate your existing website from the perspective of SEO. This will reveal where there is room for improvement, as well as finding out what area the site excels in. There are free SEO audit tools out there, they just fall short of what a business actually needs. It is one thing to discover where you need improvement and where you are doing well, but a business needs the insight of professionals so they can improve and maintain excelling features. That is the biggest reason that SEO services should include auditing service. Having a provider of SEO not offer this service is a reflection on their preparation and dedication to your company. The absence of SEO audits can also reveal that there is a lack of a plan for creating strategies for your business. Instead, they focus on using templates to avoid investing time into your site. Something to remember, above all else, your brand, audience and business comes with a tailored strategy. 2. Analysis of Competitors Competitor analysis is a vital service that should be considered, regardless of how niche your business' industry may be. Your SEO services would not be as effective without this analysis. This tool offered by many providers will locate offline and online competitors, which in turn will help form your strategy. You will be given a chance to learn and take advantage of the weaknesses of your competition. There are a lot of SEO service providers that include a competitor analysis initially when they begin working with a business. However, it should be a common practice to regularly implement this service throughout the process of optimizing the SEO quality of a site. 3. Custom Strategy Service For a core component of SEO services, a custom strategy will make the difference between succeeding and flopping. When your business takes a personalized approach, the investment return from SEO could be maximized. If the SEO services you invest in doesn't offer custom strategies, then you could be wasting your money. The companies that don't personalize strategies for businesses are usually using common strategies found with any cookie-cutter 'cheap' SEO provider. With the basic approach of SEO, the return of an investment will not ever become maximized. With these cut and paste strategies, businesses rarely even make the second or third page of search results. That isn't helpful to any business. There is only a small percentage of people that explore past the first page of a web search result. So, you should be on the lookout for an SEO service provider that invests in custom strategies. 4. Off-Page Optimization Another important service that you need to ensure your chosen provider offers is off-page optimization. In SEO, this refers to the optimization of factors that work from outside of your website. These influences still impact your ranking in results. An example of off-page optimization is your backlink profile. Backlink profiles can shape the rank results of any business, and refer to the quality and quantity of websites that have links to your site. If you take the graphics designer from before as an example, their off-page optimization for backlinks would include sites that use their images and offer credit, or articles that mention quality graphic design work. Any site that links to the main website for a company, blog, or information that references your business is considered a backlink. That is what you get with off-page optimization. The following off-page SEO is often provided as a part of services offered by an SEO service company: • Website Content Promotion to Bloggers/Webmasters • Shareable Content Development for Blogs • Company Mentions Monitoring across Social Media • Optimization of your Google My Business Profile If you aren't sure of whether or not this service is offered by an SEO agency, then you should definitely ask them. When you ask an agency, they will often provide you with an overview of the services that they offer. Many times, they will also specify what these services do. Doing this will ensure that you are making an educated choice. 5. On-Page Optimization While off-page optimization is very important, and it is indeed a service you want your chosen agency to provide, on-page optimization is even more crucial to your business. This service focuses on the features of your website that are picked up by the algorithms of search engines like Bing, optimizing them for a successful result. As a few examples, below are some of the Common SEO Deliverable Services: • Title Tag, Meta Description, and H? Tag Updating for Search Results • Information Architecture, internal Linking Structure, and Redirect Auditing • Sitemap Creation • Site Image Optimization • Keyword Optimization (Relevant and Valuable) • Analyzing Speed, Design, and Usability of Site To put it simply, if these On-Page services are not offered by an agency, they are not providing services for SEO. That basically means find a new agency. This service makes up a very large portion of SEO. 6. Reports Monthly reports may not seem like they are important, but transparency is vital with SEO services. You need to be able to rely on and trust the agency you choose, which is reason enough to double-check that they offer monthly reports to keep you up to date. A performance report will provide amazing insight into how your SEO strategy is working. A good report will make sure to include statistics on organic traffic, conversion rate, and the rank your website has obtained in results. 7. Progressive Optimization Lastly, a service that you absolutely should have included from your chosen agency, Progressive Optimization. SEO is a fight that doesn't end, and because of this, you need a contender in your corner. Often times, optimizing your search engine ranking isn't enough to boost your traffic. You have to maintain that ranking. So, investing in an agency you can build a long-term relationship with is ideal. With progressive optimization, your chosen agency is optimizing your site on a regular basis. They are not only offering reports, showing results, and improving traffic, they are doing this repeatedly to ensure the favored results. This service will allow you to earn even more from your SEO while enhancing the strategy your business has. Dumpster Rental
Aug 24, 2020
In Get Started with Your Forum
Having a good online payment system is important, the top 10 online payment systems below will make finding anonline payment much easier. Some companies on our list have been well known for years, but are now venturing into different areas, including in-store card readers and social commerce payment systems. Overview of Online Payment System Features Prior to diving into the list, the following are some features of online payment systems that you should know. Merchant Accounts These are bank accounts setup to enable customers to pay through debit or credit cards. A merchant provider must follow established regulations by card associations. Many processors will be the payment gateway and merchant account, including those mentioned below. ACH Payments These are electronic debit and credit transfers that enabling customers to pay using their bank accounts. Often used for mortgage loans, utilities, and other bills commonly paid with a bank account. Many processors will offer ACH (Automated Clearing House) payment options, especially on a monthly or subscription-based payment plan. ACH is used by most payment processors to send money, minus the fees to customers. Payment Processor The company used by merchants to accept and process credit card payments. These companies have established secure anti-fraud measures that protect both the merchant and customer information. Payment Gateway Merchants use the payment gateway to securely accept and transfer credit card data between the merchant, customer, and the processor. A payment gateway is the middleman between the bank and merchant. PCI Compliance When the payment gateway or merchant follow specific security measures. The Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council established the PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) to provide increased security for cardholder information while reducing risk of fraud. Below are the top 10 online payment systems. 1. Authorize.Net With more than 300,000 merchants using, it is among the most used and trusted online payment systems. When it comes to e-commerce, they have been a leader in payment gateway solutions for many years. They easily integrate with a wide range of platforms, including X-Cart, Magento, and any e-commerce platform designed for payments. Pricing · Setup Fee: $99 · Pricing: $20/month · Transaction Fee: $0.10/transaction Source: 2. Google Checkout The Google Checkout payment solution enables customers to setup payment by connecting their Google account. Because millions of users already use Google, it offers the benefit of a fast and simple checkout process. Pricing · Setup Fee:None · Pricing: Starts at 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction Source: Google Checkout fees 3. PayPal Available worldwide, PayPal is a leader in online payment systems. In 2011, they reported over $4 billion in processed payments. PayPal enables payment processing through credit or debit cards and with existing PayPal accounts. Funds may be delivered to an email address, which prompts new users to create a PayPal account. In addition, PayPal offers users to send money to other PayPal holders directly, which is a feature few payment systems offer. Pricing · Setup Fee: None · Pricing: 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction Source:PayPal Merchant Fees 4. Amazon Payments Many merchants have begun using Amazon Payments. Payments can be received after integrating the API, and users can send money via ACH. Amazon Payments is a payment option used on Kickstarter. Pricing · Setup Fee: None · Pricing: Starting at 2.9% + $0.30/transaction Source: Amazon Payment fees 5. Dwolla Dwolla is a newer online payment system, but is already one of PayPal’s main competitors. Dwolla is a third-party payment gateway that has reported processing over $1 million daily. With easy integration, similar to that of PayPal, it is still gaining recognition and popularity. Pricing · Setup Fee: None · Pricing: $0.25 / transaction (over $10), $0.00 / transaction (under $10) Source: Dwolla Fees 6. Braintree Braintree is well known for being the solution for many tech startups, including LivingSocial and Airbnb. They provide roles of merchant account and payment gateway for a good all-in-one option. Pricing · Setup Fee: None · Pricing: 2.9% + $0.30 / transaction Source: Braintree Pricing 7. Stripe Stripe is easily integrated through an API allowing your website or project to accept payments. Stripe bypasses the usual signup process and processes all merchant approvals and PCI compliances. Pricing · Setup Fee: None · Pricing: 2.9% + $0.30 / transaction. Source: Stripe Pricing 8. WePay WePay offers bank account, credit and debit card payment processing. Their services recently expanded, adding an e-store section that ensures receiving payments is convenient. Merchants often use WePay for areas such as donations, products, and event ticket sales. Pricing · Setup Fee: None · Pricing: Starting at3.5% + $0.50 Source: WePay 9. Samurai by FeeFighters FeeFighters is the main product, but many merchants use the Samurai merchant account and payment gateway. It was designed to compete with Braintree and various other merchant and gateway solutions. It may be used as both a gateway and merchant account, or just as a payment gateway. Pricing · Setup Fee: None · Pricing: $25 / month · Transaction Fee: 2.9% + $0.30 / transaction Source: Samurai 10. 2Checkout 2Checkout also combined merchant account and payment gateway, offering an easy and secure approach to online payments. It allows you to receive payments from credit/debit cards and PayPal. Other useful features include recurring billing, shopping carts and international payments. Pricing · Setup Fee: None · Pricing: $10.99 / month · Transaction Fee: Starts at 3.5% + $0.35 / transaction Source: 2Checkout Fees Additional Online Payment Systems Below are a few additional payment systems worth looking into: · clearXchange by Chase, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo · by Visa · Serve by American Express Mobile Payment Systems The following two payment systems can be used for receiving credit and debit card payments via mobile devices. Mobile payment systems offer merchants a mobile POS (point of sale) checkout. · GoPayment by Intuit · Square Conclusion Many online payment systems exist, and you should always research to determine which solution is best for you based onyour particular needs. If you can ask business managers what has worked best for them to help define your selection. Our list is just some of the options out there. If your preferred payment system is not in our list, let us know what it is in the comments, and why you prefer it. Edmonton SEO Agency
Aug 23, 2020
In Get Started with Your Forum
A majority of businesses now days invest in SEO services. SEO stands for search engine optimization, and it is critical that you understand what that is. Also, if you are looking for a professional SEO company, you should probably have an idea of what services are included. In this document, you will be able to find out more about SEO and the services SEO companies may provide. SEO Services Most SEO services are handled by agencies that are established to work specifically with SEO. Their goal is to help encourage success for your company through this optimization. Put simply, if you are trying to increase your company's visibility, then you will need to have a strong dependency on SEO. Not just any SEO, but a special focus on the relevant results found in search engines. By relevant, we mean that the results are the same or similar to the products, industry, company, or services that you are trying to bring visibility to. As an example, you need to look at specific businesses. In this instance, consider a graphics designer; Graphic Designer, Custom Graphics, and Affordable Graphic Design are ideal target keywords to bring in business that is relevant. When you have search engines that rely on hundreds of different factors, such as Google, it takes a great deal of expertise to manipulate the position or 'rank' of a website. For that reason, many businesses will work side by side with a provider of SEO services. Different SEO Services Offered by Agencies It has been a long time since the release of search engines like Ask Jeeves and Google, and since that time, there have been amazing updates and innovations to the algorithms used to search. These algorithms are very thorough and are designed to boast only relevant results based on a few key factors in both the search and the result. Because of this, many companies that do work on SEO offer specialized services for companies. These special services were created with the intention of furthering the success of businesses in competitive and specific industries. The most common services offered by agencies for SEO marketing are: • Ecommerce SEO • Local SEO • Voice SEO For a majority of companies, they can find aid in success through the basic SEO services. However, if you are an eCommerce or local store, you will find that the Local and eCommerce services will grant you a major advantage against competition. What Services Should SEO Companies Include? Now that you understand SEO a little bit more, you should probably know what services you are looking for that would be beneficial to your company. Just know, while many of these services are common, each SEO company is different, as will be their service line-ups. So if you are searching the market for an SEO company, then you need one that is going to offer you the 'Full Package' and not only partial services. So when you go to make comparisons between different companies, make sure these 7 services are included in their line-ups: 1. SEO AUDIT. This should honestly be featured on any SEO company's line-up of services. An SEO Audit is when the SEO provider digs deeper into the current strategy of your company. Even if an SEO strategy isn't in place, a proper agency will be able to evaluate your existing website from the perspective of SEO. This will reveal where there is room for improvement, as well as finding out what area the site excels in. There are free SEO audit tools out there, they just fall short of what a business actually needs. It is one thing to discover where you need improvement and where you are doing well, but a business needs the insight of professionals so they can improve and maintain excelling features. That is the biggest reason that SEO services should include auditing service. Having a provider of SEO not offer this service is a reflection on their preparation and dedication to your company. The absence of SEO audits can also reveal that there is a lack of a plan for creating strategies for your business. Instead, they focus on using templates to avoid investing time into your site. Something to remember, above all else, your brand, audience and business comes with a tailored strategy. 2. Analysis of Competitors Competitor analysis is a vital service that should be considered, regardless of how niche your business' industry may be. Your SEO services would not be as effective without this analysis. This tool offered by many providers will locate offline and online competitors, which in turn will help form your strategy. You will be given a chance to learn and take advantage of the weaknesses of your competition. There are a lot of SEO service providers that include a competitor analysis initially when they begin working with a business. However, it should be a common practice to regularly implement this service throughout the process of optimizing the SEO quality of a site. 3. Custom Strategy Service For a core component of SEO services, a custom strategy will make the difference between succeeding and flopping. When your business takes a personalized approach, the investment return from SEO could be maximized. If the SEO services you invest in doesn't offer custom strategies, then you could be wasting your money. The companies that don't personalize strategies for businesses are usually using common strategies found with any cookie-cutter 'cheap' SEO provider. With the basic approach of SEO, the return of an investment will not ever become maximized. With these cut and paste strategies, businesses rarely even make the second or third page of search results. That isn't helpful to any business. There is only a small percentage of people that explore past the first page of a web search result. So, you should be on the lookout for an SEO service provider that invests in custom strategies. 4. Off-Page Optimization Another important service that you need to ensure your chosen provider offers is off-page optimization. In SEO, this refers to the optimization of factors that work from outside of your website. These influences still impact your ranking in results. An example of off-page optimization is your backlink profile. Backlink profiles can shape the rank results of any business, and refer to the quality and quantity of websites that have links to your site. If you take the graphics designer from before as an example, their off-page optimization for backlinks would include sites that use their images and offer credit, or articles that mention quality graphic design work. Any site that links to the main website for a company, blog, or information that references your business is considered a backlink. That is what you get with off-page optimization. The following off-page SEO is often provided as a part of services offered by an SEO service company: • Website Content Promotion to Bloggers/Webmasters • Shareable Content Development for Blogs • Company Mentions Monitoring across Social Media • Optimization of your Google My Business Profile If you aren't sure of whether or not this service is offered by an SEO agency, then you should definitely ask them. When you ask an agency, they will often provide you with an overview of the services that they offer. Many times, they will also specify what these services do. Doing this will ensure that you are making an educated choice. 5. On-Page Optimization While off-page optimization is very important, and it is indeed a service you want your chosen agency to provide, on-page optimization is even more crucial to your business. This service focuses on the features of your website that are picked up by the algorithms of search engines like Bing, optimizing them for a successful result. As a few examples, below are some of the Common SEO Deliverable Services: • Title Tag, Meta Description, and H? Tag Updating for Search Results • Information Architecture, internal Linking Structure, and Redirect Auditing • Sitemap Creation • Site Image Optimization • Keyword Optimization (Relevant and Valuable) • Analyzing Speed, Design, and Usability of Site To put it simply, if these On-Page services are not offered by an agency, they are not providing services for SEO. That basically means find a new agency. This service makes up a very large portion of SEO. 6. Reports Monthly reports may not seem like they are important, but transparency is vital with SEO services. You need to be able to rely on and trust the agency you choose, which is reason enough to double-check that they offer monthly reports to keep you up to date. A performance report will provide amazing insight into how your SEO strategy is working. A good report will make sure to include statistics on organic traffic, conversion rate, and the rank your website has obtained in results. 7. Progressive Optimization Lastly, a service that you absolutely should have included from your chosen agency, Progressive Optimization. SEO is a fight that doesn't end, and because of this, you need a contender in your corner. Often times, optimizing your search engine ranking isn't enough to boost your traffic. You have to maintain that ranking. So, investing in an agency you can build a long-term relationship with is ideal. With progressive optimization, your chosen agency is optimizing your site on a regular basis. They are not only offering reports, showing results, and improving traffic, they are doing this repeatedly to ensure the favored results. This service will allow you to earn even more from your SEO while enhancing the strategy your business has. SEO Company Edmonton


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